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I am pleased to share my journey as a creative mind at the intersection of technology and human experiences. As a computer science major, I have always been captivated by the ever-evolving world of new technologies. Each innovation sparks my imagination, inspiring me to envision features and interfaces that can enhance human interactions and make technology more accessible and valuable.

My true passion lies in being a UX researcher, where I get the incredible opportunity to shape technology around the unique needs of people in various environments. Understanding how technology impacts society drives me to ensure my contributions have a positive and meaningful impact on users' lives.

In my research process, I like to immerse myself in the context where the technology will be used. By putting myself in the users' shoes, I can create interactions and interfaces that are intuitive, effective, and user-centric.

My creative approach has led to numerous achievements, including being listed as an inventor on over 176 patents worldwide. Each of these patents reflects my dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation and crafting solutions that benefit individuals and society as a whole.

The result of these creative activities contributes to more than 176 patents in the world.

For more details, please visit the patent page.

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